
$29.99 for CLRACINGF4 AIR V3 Flight Control With GPS Build in Betaflight OSD for Fixed Wing RC Airplane - discount coupon

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BP280 baro
2 motor Outputs
6 Servos outputs
up to 6S direct battery power
Build in 5V 3.5A bec dedicated for Servos
Build in 12V 3.5A BEC dedicated for video and camera
Build in 5V 3.5A BEC and 3.3V 500ma for system
Build in PDB with 130A current sensor
Build in Voltage monitoring resistor
Rssi pin
Build in Betaflight OSD
Led_strip share 5V with servo power
6 UARTS: UART1(Serial rx ), UART2, UART3, UART4, UART5 UART 6
Buzzer pins
Build in Camera_setting pin near camera connection (future implement in Inav)
Pilo't Tube support with resistor divider
30.5x30.5 normal FC mounting holes
Remote USB connector( with pin header )
Package included:
1 x CLRACINGF4 AIR V3 Flight Control Build in Betaflight OSD for Fixed Wing RC Airplane
Included GPS, colors header pins
Package included:
1 x CLRACINGF4 AIR V3 Flight Control Build in Betaflight OSD for Fixed Wing RC Airplane

BGUII Check Code