Eachine PRO58 RX Diversity 40CH 5.8G OLED SCAN VRX FPV Receiver SMA with RHCP 9dBI 5dBi High Gain Antenna for FatShark Goggles - 44.00 €

Eachine PRO58 RX Diversity 40CH 5.8G OLED SCAN VRX FPV Receiver SMA with RHCP 9dBI 5dBi High Gain Antenna for FatShark Goggles
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Eachine PRO58 RX Diversity 40CH 5.8G OLED SCAN VRX FPV Receiver with High Gain Antenna for FatShark Goggles

You can pgrade AchilleΣ PLUSon Eachine Pro58
Description : User Manual
Brand Name : Eachine
Item Name : PRO58 RX
Frequency : 5.8G
Channel : 40CH
Consumption : 1.8-2W
Size : 42 x 30 x 25mm (check detail dimension on picture)
Weight : 23g
Duo way working signal/Diversity;
All frequencies scanning, and result selectable;
Easy and fast way to show wireless information;
Great RX part for FatShark or similar Goggles;
40ch included RaceBand;
Nice sensitiveness -92dBi;
5V working, power from goggles;
partially control by goggles buttons, the ch+ and ch-;
SMA and RP-SMA versions both available;
1built-in beeper to indicate your operations

Frequency :
Build in 5.8G 40CH Raceband receive
Frequency Table
Frequency Band A58655845582558055785576557455725
Frequency Band B57335752577157905809582858475866
Frequency Band E57055685566556455885590559255945
Frequency Band F57405760578058005820584058605880
Frequency Band R56585695573257695806584358805917
Features :
1. Directly control by the buttons (ch+ and ch-) on FatShark Goggles, but limited with channels selection 1-8, due to FatShark inside S/W.
2. Customized booting LOGO of EACHINE.
3. Searching mode show you all frequencies working and their strength, and you can select them on the result table. We present all frequencies in order of A-B-E-F-R sequent, each channel has a small bar to show its strength, the longer bar stand for stronger signal.
A typical searching result shows: there are 6 signals, and E1(5705M) is most strong. You can press confirm to select it, or you can up or down to select another channel and press confirm to show it,
4, Main working interface offer abundant information, including: working frequency name (like E1, in bigger size letter), exact working frequency (like 5705M), working mode (like AUTO, working on RX A, Auto way), and signal strength (right-up Conner), and if you work on diversity mode, there will be current working RX (A or B) just before the strength sign.
5. Simple and easy interface way to show you most useful information.
6. Easy to use up-down-select 3 ways button
7, Compatible with Fatshark Telepoter V3, Dominator V2 & V3 and Fatshark HD V1, V2 & V3 goggles
8, Great 5.8G performance
Package Included :
1 x 5.8G 40CH Diversity RX SMA
1 x 9.4dBi LHCP RHCP antenna
1 x 5dBi RHCP antenna

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