Handmade singing bowls are unparalleled in beauty and quality. Beautiful decorative patterns and Buddhist scriptures on the outside, providing energy for your meditation.
Bowls create an incredible sound with rich, warm and vibrant overtones. And, the dual surface mallet's wood surface brings out high tones while leather exterior creates low tones that instantly restore peace.
The vibrations created by a singing bowl profit the body by reducing stress, positively affecting the nervous and immune systems, combating depression, and balancing the chakras.Widely used for chakra healing, crystal clearing, mindfulness, creative thinking, soothing music & well-being.
The bowl sings very easily and produce rich, harmonic and soothing sound that lasts for long duration.
Produce energetic and vibrating sounds which provided stress free relaxation.
These singing bowls has been used for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well being, healing energy and chakra creation etc. for generations.
They are used by a wide range of professionals, including health professionals, school teachers, musicians and spiritual teachers.
Singing bowls are used in health care by psychotherapists, massage therapists, and stress and meditation specialists.
They are used to help treat patients and also for post-traumatic stress disorder.
They are popular in classrooms to help facilitate group activities and focus students' attention.
How to Play:
Hold the bowl in the palm of either hand.
With the strik, rub the outside rim in a circular motion. Keep an even pressure.
Gently increase the speed as the bowl begins to vibrate, and as the sound grows. It may help to tap the bowl to begin the vibration. Sometimes this method can take practice.
Another method is "gonging" or "striking" the bowls. This is a simple method that involves striking the bowl with a wood or padded strik.
Package Included:
1 x Singing bowl
1 x Wood stick