Xloader replacement on mac by command line

Hello guys, recently i was researching about how to rewrite fw easily you arduino hardware, like true-d or mr steele pdb and etc.

Singe i was googling for all evening i found a lot of stuff which is not fully working. Some kind of custom written soft and etc. But none of them was working as i was expecting.

So one of the article, cant remind which one, give my a solution over terminal/ command line tool.

one of the best solution if you are not doing a lot of mistakes while typing is this one.

First of all you need to download brew, its a tool which can install latest popular tools for your daily life.

So basically open your terminal with cmd+space and type `terminal`

Then paste this code:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

This code will download `brew` package manager which will allow you to download a lot of other useful tools.

After install is finished. You should install avrdude with usb support. This soft will allow you to program Atmel AVR Microcontrollers https://github.com/sigmike/avrdude

brew install avrdude --with-usb

After you installation is done. Just find out what external port you are using to connect your arduino based hw. For true-d and mr steele pdb both cases was same.

/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART this is the path to your connected device.

This is the code to flash your hw

-b 57600 its a bound rate like xloader has

For true-d you should use 57600

For mr steele pbb you should used 115200

If you have something additional to mention. just comment i will try to follow up and add additional information to this article.

Easiest way to get current location of hex file is just to drag file directly to command line

[path-to-your-file] - this is the path to your file

[bound-rate] - this if hardware bound rate.. This must be defined in your owned hardware description.

avrdude -v -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -b [bound-rate] -U flash:w:/[path-to-your-file]:i


If you have additional suggestions or info just pm GordisFPV, he will update content!

By GordisFPV

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