The WHITE and RED RS2306 Emax motors



New succeed of Emax in that after the announcement of ESC Bullet series will soon release of these latest hard workers RS2306 (White & Red version).

Emax RS2306 Now available for preorders at at 2400kv and 2750kv versions.

The race to armament is not ready to stop, it is in any case what suggests the future engines of Emax in 2306, whose performance should be in the same line as the F40 Pro From T-motors. Emax however did not have to test it with this format since the brand had released last summer the TS2306 of 2300KV which had not met the expected success and had almost gone unnoticed from racers.


While some information and photos start to "leak" on the web, Emax, has for the moment unveiled officially no information about these RS2306. A marketing strategy certainly finely studied to avoid cannibalize its RS2205-S (released in September 2016) without letting the community think that the brand is overtaken by its competitors.

Characteristics of Emax RS2306 motors


Photo Credits: Conrad Miller (FB)

The RS2306 should be offered in two versions 2400KV and 2750KV . A test conducted by Conrad Miller at Thrust UAV on RS2306 2400KV suggest that they should be pushed up to their competitor since it would issue peak  1500g in 4S and even 2000g with a LiPo 5s.

Unless it's just a prototype-specific color, the RS2306 should mark a break in the color code of the Emax black and red engines that we used to be used to like last one RS2205-S.

The RS2306 Emax should be very serious competitors F40 Pro from T-Motors which will in any case, on this format, soon joined by other manufacturers, we do not doubt.





Emax RS2306 Now available for reorders at at 2400 kv and 2750kv versions


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