Get into FPV Drone racing for under $100! NewBeeDrone Hummingbird

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Where to buy:
Hummingbird V3.1:
Hummingbird V3.1 RaceSpec:
CLI Diffs:
0:00 Intro
0:50 Specs and Key Features
1:10 Hummingbird V3.1
2:15 Hummingbird V3.1 RaceSpec
3:03 Use cases for each drone
3:20 Different battery connectors?
4:10 Weights
4:39 Micro USB and Awesome LEDs
5:10 Betaflight config and FC spec
5:30 BMI270 Gyro ????
5:53 Turn on Dshot Beacon!
6:10 Bonkers PID tune ????
6:48 Issues with the tune
7:11 Too many Filters!
7:48 SPI Receiver ????
8:18 SerialRx ELRS is better
9:12 No beeper mode ????
9:23 Prop direction is wrong
9:55 No Blackbox????
10:45 Hummingbird V3.1 RaceSpec
10:53 Much better PID tune ????
11:09 Filters are still too much
11:24 Flight test and Image quality
12:20 Only 25mW VTX
13:06 VTX Output Power Measurement
13:50 VTX Output could be retuned
14:24 My thoughts on the Hummingbird V3.1
15:05 ESC should be updated to 96kHz PWM
16:36 My thoughts on the Hummingbird V3.1 RaceSpec
16:50 Only BNF Competitve for Racing!
17:35 Upgrade ESC firmware to 96kHz
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