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ES Round 6 FPV Drone Race - Run through one of our Aussie Club events including final thoughts etc. Great days racing with good friends on an awesome Dan Track - BTW Dan is the designer of FPV Trackside system you see in this video. Absolutely fantastic software that's been used both here in Australia at the club and national level along with international races.
Gear that Thomas Runs on his Race Fleet
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Radio Master TX16S
JS-1 Overview
Battery :
Tattu 6S 1300mah V4.0
Current Gear:
Frame - BMSRacing JS-1
BMS Racing GoldLine Series
Flight Controller:
Foxeer Mini F722 Flight Controller 20*20mm
ESC - HobbyWing 40A 4-in-1 20x20
Foxeer Micro Predator 4 FPV Racing Camera
Antenna VTX:
Foxeer Lollypop
TBS Triumph Pro SMA & UFL
HQ R42 Orange
VTX System:
TBS Pro32 Nano 5G8
Control Link RX:
TBS Tracer
Tiny'sLEDs - As used in Video
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Camera Gear
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Canon 90D
Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art
Rode Video Microphone
HollyLand Lark150
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DLG - FLITZ - soaring joy!
The joy of DLG soaring!
Pilot and Wing owner - Andrius Narbutas
Bright LED:
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